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As an esports manager, building the strongest team is your ultimate goal. In League of Legen


As an esports manager, building the strongest team is your ultimate goal. In League of Legends, the AD (attack damage) carry is an essential position. They deal physical damage that can take down enemy turrets, objectives, and champions. Building the most robust AD carry (ADC) lineup can be the difference between victory and defeat. This article will help you create the ultimate AD carry lineup with top-tier players in League of Legends.

Selecting Your AD Carry

The AD carry is a critical role in a team's composition, and there are different types of ADCs to choose from. Selecting the right AD carry for your team is vital. You will want to consider their playstyle, strengths, and weaknesses.

Some of the top AD carries in the game include Ashe, Caitlyn, Kog'Maw, Jhin, and Ezreal. Ashe provides utility and can kite easily with her slows and stun. Caitlyn has a long-range and deals significant damage with her headshot passive. Kog'Maw deals significant damage but is vulnerable since he has no escape abilities. Jhin is an excellent pick if you're looking for a burst of damage. Finally, Ezreal is a highly mobile champion that can evade damage with his E ability.

Choosing Your Support

An ADC should always have a support that complements their strengths and weaknesses. The support's job is to keep the ADC alive during team fights and ganks. A support should provide crowd control, healing, shielding, and engage tools.

Some of the best supports to pair with an ADC include Thresh, Alistar, Taric, Janna, Lulu, and Nami. Taric provides healing and hard crowd control with his ultimate. Alistar is an excellent tank and has great crowd control abilities. Thresh's kit has a lot of crowd control and can provide a lantern to save your ADC from danger. Janna, Lulu, and Nami all excel with shielding and provide abilities that help an ADC kite and disengage from dangerous situations.

Choosing Your Top Laner

Your top laner should be a tank or bruiser, whereas your mid-laner should be an assassin or mage. The top-laner should provide a frontline for your team and initiate fights.

The best top lane champions to use in your lineup include Maokai, Sion, Ornn, Garen, and Aatrox. Maokai is an excellent tank and provides crowd control, Sion can initiate fights with his ultimate, and Ornn can engage with his ultimate. Garen is a great bruiser that can quickly delete enemy champions, and Aatrox provides great sustain and can deal significant damage with his skillset.

Choosing Your Jungler

The jungler's job is to secure objectives, gank lanes, and control the map. In a team composition, a jungler should have a high-utility kit to help your team control objectives and provide crowd control for ganks.

Some of the best junglers in the game include Sejuani, Nidalee, Rek'Sai, and Elise. Sejuani excels at crowd control and is an excellent tank for your team. Nidalee provides great mobility and can deal significant damage with her spears. Rek'Sai's tunnels allow for excellent ganking opportunities, and Elise has a lot of crowd control and burst damage potential.


Building the ultimate AD carry lineup requires a lot of planning and careful consideration. You should choose champions that complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, and make sure you have a balanced team composition. ADCs like Ashe, Caitlyn, Kog'Maw, Jhin, and Ezreal all offer different playstyles and abilities that can be used to secure victory. Pairing these ADCs with supports like Thresh, Alistar, Taric, Janna, Lulu, and Nami can set them up for success in team fights. Finally, adding top laners like Maokai, Sion, Ornn, Garen, and Aatrox, and junglers like Sejuani, Nidalee, Rek'Sai, and Elise can give your team the balance and control it needs to win games.